/* start block _extraPreContent_ */
/* end block */
//methods removed from sdk.js and added to handle new window open both for dropdowm and page menu.
var topWindow;
var thisIsTheTopWindow = false;
var openWindowList = null;
var currentEventSeqId = -1;
var uid = "";
// Failover
var failoverInitialized = false;
var recyclePushlet = false;
var isEventingConnected = false;
// Current server connection variables
var serverProtocol = "";
var serverAddress = "";
var serverName = "";
var serverPort = "";
var applicationContext = "";
// Failover retry variables
var eventingMaxRetry = 100;
var eventingCurrentRetry = 0;
// Failover server list variables
var failoverServerList = null;
var failoverServerIndex = 0;
var failoverServerRetries = 3;
var failoverCurrentServerRetry = -1;
// HeartBeat tiemout check variables
var heartbeatTimeoutEnabled = false;
var heartbeatTimeout = 7; // Heartbeat Timeout (seconds)
var heartbeatTimestamp = null;
var ignoreHeartbeat = true; // Heartbeat timeout will be enabled after when the first event is received
var eventingActive = true; // isEventing active
// ODV Failover message control
var disconnectMessageSent = true;
var stopRetry = false;
var disconnected = false;
var checkWindowsInterval = 10000;
var checkWindowsID = null;
var checkWindowFailCnt = 0;
var maxCheckWindowFails = 3;
var checkWindowErrorMsgAfterCnt = 2;
var failoverRefreshReason = "FAILOVER";
* Connectivity globals
var connections = [ {
"type" : "-",
"name" : "-",
"details" : {},
"status" : "-"
} ];
var hasDisconnections = false;
var disconnectionWarning = false;
var connectionStatusChange = false;
* Array for storing an history of pushlet connection events
var eventingHistory = [];
// If outer window then set interval to monitor bad window references....
// for both the child and the top window
// if popup window don't start timer
if (window.top === window && !window.top.isUnmanagedPopup) {
checkWindowsID = window.setInterval(checkWindowReferencesInterval, checkWindowsInterval);
// add event handler for outerwindow closing
document.ignoreLogoff = false;
window.addEventListener("unload", displayUnLoad, false);
// run the window reference interval with timeout 0 for rendering to catchup
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
* Object that represents an history entry
function EventingHistoryEntry(timestamp, retryCount, serverRetryCount, eventType, URL) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.eventType = eventType;
this.retryCount = retryCount;
this.serverRetryCount = serverRetryCount;
this.URL = URL;
* Function for adding history entry
function addEventingHistoryEntry(timestamp, retryCount, serverRetryCount, eventType, URL) {
try {
eventingHistory.push(new EventingHistoryEntry(timestamp, retryCount, serverRetryCount, eventType, URL));
} catch (e) {
log.error("Unable to addEventingHistoryEntry: ", e);
* Eventing history functions
* @param page -
* page nr, or "last"
* @param rowsPerPage -
* Nr of rows per page
function showEventingSummary() {
var page = (arguments[0] ? (arguments[0] == "last" ? arguments[0] : (arguments[0] - 1)) : 0);
var rowsPerPage = (arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 10);
var formatted = (arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : false);
var initialIndex = 0;
var totalPages = eventingHistory.length / rowsPerPage;
if (page == "last") {
page = Math.floor(totalPages);
if (eventingHistory.length > rowsPerPage && totalPages >= page) {
initialIndex = rowsPerPage * page;
} else {
page = 0;
var eventingSummary = "
+ ""
+ "Timestamp | Retry | ServerRetry | EventType | URL"
+ " |
for (var i = initialIndex; i < eventingHistory.length && i < (rowsPerPage * (page + 1)); i++) {
eventingSummary += "" + eventingHistory[i].timestamp + " | "
+ eventingHistory[i].retryCount + " | " + eventingHistory[i].serverRetryCount + " | "
+ eventingHistory[i].eventType + " | " + eventingHistory[i].URL.replace(/\?.*$/ig, "")
+ " |
eventingSummary += "
if (formatted) {
} else {
eventingSummary = eventingSummary.replace(/<\/td>]+>/ig, " | ");
eventingSummary = eventingSummary.replace(/<\/td> | /ig, " | ");
eventingSummary = eventingSummary.replace(/<\/td><\/tr>/ig, " ");
eventingSummary = eventingSummary.replace(/ /ig, "\n");
eventingSummary = eventingSummary.replace(/<[^>]+>/ig, "");
function setupHeartbeatTimeoutCheck(enabled, timeout) {
heartbeatTimeoutEnabled = enabled;
heartbeatTimeout = timeout;
log.debug('Heartbeat timeout enabled: ' + enabled + ' timeout: ' + timeout + 'sec(s)');
* Function for verifying if the heartbeat is on time
function isHeartbeatOntime() {
if (!window.frames[EventingID]) {
log.error("Heartbeat timed out: no pushlet");
return false;
heartbeatTimestamp = window.frames[EventingID].lastHeartbeat;
var now = new Date();
if (heartbeatTimestamp == null) {
// not received heartbeat yet
heartbeatTimestamp = now;
window.frames[EventingID].lastHeartbeat = heartbeatTimestamp;
log.debug('HeartBeat check, not received yet, setting HeartBeat = Now = ' + heartbeatTimestamp);
var heartbeatDiff = (now - heartbeatTimestamp) / 1000;
if (heartbeatTimeoutEnabled && (heartbeatDiff >= heartbeatTimeout)) {
log.error('Heartbeat timed out, now: ' + now + ' - lastHeartBeat: ' + heartbeatTimestamp + ' - difference: '
+ heartbeatDiff + ' sec(s)');
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Function for verifying if eventing is active on the server side, in order to prevent false failure notification
function isEventingActive() {
log.info("isEventingActive() ? " + eventingActive);
try {
if (eventingActive) {
log.info("Eventing is active, requestig activity state to the server.");
var params = "checkEventingActivity=true&uid=" + evt_uid + "&";
var xmlhttp = createAJAXRequest();
xmlhttp.open("POST", getFullURL(EventingURL), true);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
var result = xmlhttp.responseText;
if (xmlhttp.status != 200 || result != "true") {
eventingActive = false;
log.debug("Eventing activity request http status: " + xmlhttp.status + " result: '" + result + "'");
window.setTimeout(function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState != 4) {
try {
log.debug("Aborting request");
} catch (e) {
log.error("Unable to abort: ", e);
log.info("Check eventing activity state timed out, marking as inactive");
eventingActive = false;
} else {
var result = xmlhttp.responseText;
if (result != "true") {
log.debug("Eventing not active: " + result);
eventingActive = false;
}, 5000);
return eventingActive;
} catch (e) {
log.error("Unable to check eventing activity: ", e);
log.debug("Returning result as inactive");
return false;
// function sets flag to indicate unload should NOT trigger logoff action
function ignoreUnloadForLogoff() {
document.ignoreLogoff = true;
if (window.checkWindowsID) {
// function is invoked when outer display is unloaded
// - triggers logoff upon if window is last TOP window
// - send synchronous action to end the users session
function displayUnLoad() {
window.closing = true;
if (document.ignoreLogoff !== true && logoffCalled !== true) {
var win = findFirstRemainingOpenWindow(window);
if (win == null && window.closing) {
log.info("Last remaining top window, invoking logoff");
* Function used to verify if the eventing frame is disconnected
function isEventingFrameDisconnected() {
return (window.frames[EventingID] && window.frames[EventingID].document.readyState === 'complete');
* Function used to verify if failover is being attempted
function isAttemptingFailover() {
// (recyclePushlet == false), if pushlet is recycling it's not attempting failover
return ((isEventingConnected === false || isEventingFrameDisconnected()) && failoverInitialized === true && recyclePushlet === false);
* Function used to verify if WSDK is configured for handling the failover on the clientside
function isClientSideFailover() {
return (failoverServerList != null);
function getServerURL() {
var serverURL = "";
if (serverProtocol != "" && serverAddress != "" && serverPort != "" && applicationContext != "") {
serverURL = serverProtocol + "://" + serverName + ":" + serverPort + "/" + applicationContext + "/";
return serverURL;
function setServer(protocol, newAddress, serverNm, port, context, footerServerAndPort, dojoUrl) {
var oldServer = serverName;
disconnectMessageSent = false;
serverName = serverNm;
serverProtocol = protocol;
serverPort = port;
context = context.replace(new RegExp("^/"), "");
applicationContext = context.replace(new RegExp("/$"), "");
eventingCurrentRetry = 0;
window.top.topWindow.frames[EventingID].frameElement.style.visibility = 'visible';
updateRequireJSModuleLocations("//" + serverName + ":" + serverPort, dojoUrl, oldServer, serverName);
if (serverAddress !== "" && serverAddress !== newAddress) {
// The server name has changed, execute fail over actions
if (window.top.topWindow.frames[EventingID] != null) {
var msg = getNLS('failover.connected.start') + serverName + getNLS('failover.connected.end.refresh');
addMessage(msg, MSG_TYPE_Message, 'eventingConnect', MSG_STD_TIMEOUT, true);
// For ODV we don't show that the display is being refreshed
var msg = getNLS('failover.connected.start') + serverName + getNLS('failover.connected.end');
handleJBossFailoverEvent(newAddress, serverAddress);
} else {
if (serverAddress !== "") {
if (recyclePushlet) {
var msg = getNLS('recycle.connected.start') + serverName + getNLS('recycle.connected.end');
} else if (failoverInitialized) {
var msg = getNLS('failover.connected.start') + serverName + getNLS('failover.connected.end');
addMessage(msg, MSG_TYPE_Message, 'eventingConnect', MSG_STD_TIMEOUT, true);
deleteMessageById('connectionFailure', true);
serverAddress = newAddress;
failoverInitialized = true;
// mark pushlet as not being recycled
recyclePushlet = false;
ignoreHeartbeat = true; // Heartbeat timeout will be enabled after when the first event is received
eventingActive = true; // Eventing is active
addEventingHistoryEntry(new Date(), "-", "-", "PushletConnected", serverProtocol + "://" + serverName + ":"
+ serverPort + "/" + applicationContext + "/");
log.info("Initializing Pushlet - setServer: " + serverProtocol + "://" + serverName + ":" + serverPort + "/"
+ applicationContext + "/");
function updateRequireJSModuleLocations(serverPath, dojoUrl, oldServer, newServer) {
if (oldServer == null || oldServer === '') {
for ( var key in require.packs) {
var pack = require.packs[key];
var location = require.packs[key].location;
if (typeof location === "string") {
if (location.search(/^http[s]?\:\/\//) === 0) { // absolute paths
updateAbsoluteRequirePath(pack, oldServer, newServer, location);
} else if (location.indexOf("//") === 0) { // expected for everything after a previous failover
updateProtocolRelativeRequirePath(pack, oldServer, newServer, location);
} else if (location.indexOf("/") === 0) { // Siemens custom modules
updateRootRequirePath(pack, serverPath, location);
} else { // dojo initial module paths (relative)
updateRelativeRequirePath(pack, serverPath + dojoUrl + key);
function updateRelativeRequirePath(pack, dojoUrl) {
pack.location = dojoUrl;
function updateProtocolRelativeRequirePath(pack, oldServer, newServer, location) {
pack.location = location.replace("//" + oldServer + ":", "//" + newServer + ":");
function updateRootRequirePath(pack, serverPath, location) {
pack.location = serverPath + location;
function updateAbsoluteRequirePath(pack, oldServer, newServer, location) {
location = location.replace(/^http[s]?\:\/\//, '//');
updateProtocolRelativeRequirePath(pack, oldServer, newServer, location);
* Function responsible for notifying the backend that a failover has happened, application eventualy need to be
* notified of a jboss failover in order to recover things that can't be recovered through display refresh (e.g.
* Standalone OLM)
function handleJBossFailoverEvent(newServer, oldServer) {
window.parent.display_sendAction('HANDLE_JBOSS_FAILOVER', '', 'newServer=' + newServer + "&oldServer=" + oldServer);
function setFailoverServerList(retries, list) {
failoverServerIndex = 0;
failoverCurrentServerRetry = -1;
failoverServerRetries = retries;
failoverServerList = list;
function hideEventingDiv() {
var evImg = document.getElementById('eventingIcon');
if (evImg != null) {
evImg.style.visibility = 'hidden';
var evText = document.getElementById('eventingText');
if (evText != null) {
evText.style.visibility = 'hidden';
function hideEventingIFrame() {
var evIF = document.getElementById(EventingID);
if (evIF != null) {
evIF.style.visibility = 'hidden';
var evText = document.getElementById('eventingText');
if (evText != null) {
evText.style.visibility = 'hidden';
function showEventingDiv() {
var evImg = document.getElementById('eventingIcon');
if (evImg != null) {
evImg.style.visibility = 'visible';
var evText = document.getElementById('eventingText');
if (evText != null) {
evText.style.visibility = 'visible';
function connectEventing(isJboss) {
if (isJboss == undefined || isJboss) {
isEventingConnected = true;
var evIcon = document.getElementById('eventingIcon');
if (evIcon != null) {
evIcon.classList.remove('WFConnectingIcon', 'WFNoConnectionIcon');
var evText = document.getElementById('eventingText');
if (evText != null) {
evText.innerHTML = getNLS('connectivity.connected');
function disconnectEventing(isJboss) {
if (isJboss == undefined || isJboss) {
isEventingConnected = false;
var evIcon = document.getElementById('eventingIcon');
if (evIcon != null) {
var evText = document.getElementById('eventingText');
if (evText != null) {
evText.style.visibility = "";
evText.innerHTML = getNLS('connectivity.disconnected');
function setWindowAsTopWindow(inOpenWindowList) {
var isNewTopWin = (window != top.topWindow);
// if window is same as the current top window then stop processing....
if (!isNewTopWin) {
// if current top window exists make sure you clear the name of the top window
if (inOpenWindowList == null) {
inOpenWindowList = [];
// Creating new window list array
openWindowList = [];
openWindowList[0] = window;
if (inOpenWindowList != null) {
// Update window list array with input list contents
var nCounter = 1;
for (var inCounter = 0; inCounter < inOpenWindowList.length; inCounter++) {
if (inOpenWindowList[inCounter] == null || inOpenWindowList[inCounter] == window) {
openWindowList[nCounter] = inOpenWindowList[inCounter];
// the window has moved into slot nCounter, so update the number at the end of the title
// if Singleton logger and initial setting of topWindow mark window as window 0
if (window.LOGGER_SINGLETON && (window.winName == null || window.winName == logger.LOG_ALL_WINDOWS)) {
// If setting top window is NOT initial callup and Logger Singleton is specified
// then recreate logger instance and update all references of logger in the
// other windows opened
if (window.LOGGER_SINGLETON) {
// create new CLONED instance of logger
// when new top window occurs. Browser / JS doesn't let you access
// object instance created in another window after that window is closed
try {
var newLogger = new LOGGER();
logger = newLogger;
} catch (ex) {
alert("exception creating logger : " + ex.toString());
// for all other opened windows, update reference to logger and log data
for (var i = 0; i < openWindowList.length; i++) {
var inWin = openWindowList[i];
// only update window if window is open and not the NEW top window
if (inWin != null && inWin != window && !inWin.closed) {
// update the log reference for all open windows...
if (inWin.updateLogger != null) {
strayDeltas = {};
// Set this window as top window
top.topWindow = window;
// Set the name of the top window so it can be found later by a child window if the window references somehow are
// lost
thisIsTheTopWindow = true;
log.debug('topWindow updated');
// the window has moved into slot 0, so update the number at the end of the title
// add handler for the unload event, this function is on sdk.js
window.addEventListener("unload", handleTopWindowShutDown, false);
// reset variable for topWindow for existing windows
for (var i = 1; i < openWindowList.length; i++) {
try {
if (openWindowList[i] != null && (openWindowList[i].document)) {
openWindowList[i].topWindow = topWindow;
} catch (e) {
log.error('Failure at SetWindowAsTopWindow: ', e);
if (window.pushletEnabled == true) {
require([ 'dojo/domReady!' ], function() {
// Note: we could load the pushlet on domReady!, but then document.readyState
// will not reach 'complete' until if and when the pushlet connection is ended.
function clearWindowName(win) {
if (win != null) {
win.name = "";
function applyTopWindowName(win) {
win.name = getTopWindowName();
log.trace("setting top window to: " + window.name);
function transferOpenWindowList(inOpenWindowList) {
// Creating new window list array
openWindowsRef = [];
if (inOpenWindowList != null) {
// Update window list array with input list contents
var nCounter = 0;
for (var inCounter = 0; inCounter < inOpenWindowList.length; inCounter++) {
if (inOpenWindowList[inCounter] == null) {
openWindowsRef[nCounter] = inOpenWindowList[inCounter];
function transferTopWindowInformation(inCurrentEventSeqId, inFailoverServerList, inServerProtocol, inServerAddress,
inServerName, inServerPort, inApplicationContext, inStrayDeltas) {
// Update sequence id
currentEventSeqId = inCurrentEventSeqId;
// Set previous server variables to force pushlet to be reconnected to the same server it was connected to
if (inFailoverServerList != null && inServerProtocol != "" && inServerAddress != "" && inServerPort != ""
&& inApplicationContext != "") {
failoverServerList = inFailoverServerList;
serverProtocol = inServerProtocol;
serverAddress = inServerAddress;
serverName = inServerName;
serverPort = inServerPort;
applicationContext = inApplicationContext;
if (inStrayDeltas) {
strayDeltas = {};
for ( var key in inStrayDeltas) {
var deltas = inStrayDeltas[key];
if (deltas && deltas.length > 0) {
// efficiently copy the array to the new window
strayDeltas[key] = Array.prototype.slice.call(deltas, 0);
log.trace('Transfered ' + deltas.length + ' "stray" deltas to the new topWindow');
log.debug("Saving top window server: " + serverProtocol + "://" + serverName + "[" + serverAddress + "]:"
+ serverPort + "/" + applicationContext);
var EventingID = "eventing";
var EventingURL = "receiveEvents.do";
var EventingInterval = 5000;
var eventingRunning = false;
var evt_uid = "";
function getEventingURL() {
var url = EventingURL + '?currentEventSeqId=' + currentEventSeqId + '&uid=' + evt_uid
+ '&eventingReconnection=true¤tServerAddr=' + serverAddress;
if (top.window.logonPage == true) {
url += "&logonPage=true";
return url;
function createPushletFrame(event) {
if (window.top.topWindow.frames[EventingID] != null) {
return true;
if (top.document == null || top.document.body == null) {
return false;
var ifr = window.top.document.createElement('IFRAME');
ifr.id = EventingID;
ifr.name = EventingID;
var url = getEventingURL();
ifr.src = url;
ifr.className = 'WFFooterIframe';
try {
} catch (e) {
log.error("error adding element ex: " + e);
return false;
// NOTE: load event is not fired until pushlet is FINISHED processing content
ifr.addEventListener("load", reloadFrameFunction, true);
return true;
// create and start new eventing process in new eventing window
function initEventing() {
try {
// Don't make duplicate frames
if (window.top.topWindow != null && window.top.topWindow.frames[EventingID] != null) {
// addMessage('Eventing Running', MSG_TYPE_Message);
// check window state
if (document.readyState !== 'complete') {
var loadInitEventing = function() {
document.onreadystatechange = null;
if (window.removeEventListener)
window.removeEventListener('load', initEventing, false);
// not ready, wait
document.onreadystatechange = loadInitEventing;
// fallback to onload
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('load', loadInitEventing, false);
// check window state
reloadFrameFunction = function(event) {
top.window.initPushletTimeoutId = setTimeout(
+ "log.info('restarting pushlet from setTimeout...'); "
+ "if( !stopRetry )"
+ "{"
+ " if(eventingCurrentRetry < eventingMaxRetry)"
+ " {"
+ " disconnectEventing();"
+ " var msg = getNLS('failover.disconnect.start') + serverName + getNLS('failover.disconnect.end');"
// NOTE: on firefox reload function is what triggers pushlet recycle, not monitoring frame
// when recycling do not show error message on first retry
" if (!(recyclePushlet && eventingCurrentRetry == 0)) { "
+ " addMessage(msg, MSG_TYPE_ERROR, 'connectionFailure', 0, true);"
+ " addMessage(getNLS('failover.attempt') + (++eventingCurrentRetry) + '. . .', MSG_TYPE_WARNING, 'failoverAttempt', MSG_STD_TIMEOUT, true);"
+ " }" + " if(!disconnectMessageSent) {" + " disconnectMessageSent = true;"
+ " sendODVMessage(msg);" + " }" + " recycleEventing();" + " } else {"
+ " sendODVMessage(getNLS('failover.reconnection.failure.odv'), true);"
+ " parent.applicationSessionHandler(true);" + " }" + "}", 3000);
eventingRunning = createPushletFrame();
} catch (e) {
addMessage('Failed to initialize eventing frame: ', e);
// start process to monitor eventing process
if (eventingRunning) {
log.debug('eventing frame initialized');
function getFailoverServer() {
var failoverServer = null;
if (failoverServerList != null && failoverServerList.length > 0) {
if (failoverCurrentServerRetry < (failoverServerRetries - 1)) {
} else {
failoverCurrentServerRetry = 0;
if (failoverServerIndex > failoverServerList.length) {
failoverServerIndex = 0;
if (failoverServerIndex == 0) {
failoverServer = getServerURL();
} else {
failoverServer = failoverServerList[failoverServerIndex - 1] + "/" + applicationContext + "/";
log.info("Getting failover server: " + failoverServer + " retries: " + failoverCurrentServerRetry);
return failoverServer;
// restart new eventing process in existing eventing window
function recycleEventing() {
// get reference to eventing iframe
var eventingFrameRef = window.frames[EventingID];
try {
var failoverUrl = getEventingURL();
var failoverServer = getFailoverServer();
if (failoverServer != null) {
failoverUrl = failoverServer + failoverUrl;
// recycle may be caught by timeout or monitor code..
// prevent timeout code from executing if it hasn't been triggered yet
// which will prevent recycle from happening twice
if (top.window.initPushletTimeoutId && top.window.initPushletTimeoutId > 0) {
top.window.initPushletTimeoutId = -1;
var recycleReason = ((recyclePushlet && eventingCurrentRetry <= 1) ? "PushletRecycle"
: "PushletReconnectionTry");
addEventingHistoryEntry(new Date(), eventingCurrentRetry, failoverCurrentServerRetry, recycleReason,
// // Debug messages
// addMessage('Cookie : ' + document.cookie);
// addMessage('URL : ' + failoverUrl);
eventingFrameRef.location = failoverUrl;
} catch (e) {
log.error("Unable to restart eventing: ", e);
addMessage('Unable to restart eventing.', MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
// forces a failover to occur. This function is only used for debugging
function forceFailover() {
if (failoverServerList != null && failoverServerList.length > 0) {
if (failoverServerIndex > failoverServerList.length) {
failoverServerIndex = 0;
} else {
// monitorEventing is an iterative process that montitors the eventing process
// and restarts it if it dies
var monitorEventingTimer;
function monitorEventing() {
try {
var eventingIFrame = window.top.topWindow.frames[EventingID];
if (eventingIFrame) {
var restartPushlet = false;
try {
if (eventingIFrame.document.readyState == 'complete') {
eventingIFrame.frameElement.style.visibility = 'hidden';
restartPushlet = true;
// if recycling the pushlet failed to re-establish then
// start failover...
if (recyclePushlet && eventingCurrentRetry > 0) {
recyclePushlet = false;
failoverInitialized = true;
log.error('Eventing retry > 0, pushlet recycle failure. Initializing failover !');
} else if (heartbeatTimeoutEnabled && isEventingConnected) {
var reloadPushlet = false;
// Pushlet will set pageState variable on loading of frame
// - first JS in head will set state to INIT
// - last JS cmd in body will set state to LOADED
var pageState = eventingIFrame.pageState;
if (pageState != null) {
var heartBeatOK = isHeartbeatOntime();
if (!heartBeatOK) {
// if Pushlet has just started loading content then give approprirate time to transition
// from INIT to LOADED
if (pageState == "INIT") {
if (eventingIFrame.loadingTS == null) {
log.info("Setting timestamp to allow page to transition from INIT to LOADED");
eventingIFrame.loadingTS = new Date();
} else {
var threshold = 30000; // threshold > monitor interval
var delta = (new Date()).getTime() - eventingIFrame.loadingTS.getTime();
if (delta > threshold) {
.error("Reloading pushlet due to pageState did not transition from INIT to LOADED in time(ms): "
+ threshold);
reloadPushlet = true;
eventingIFrame.loadingTS = null;
// if page has loaded ALL of the initial content
else if (pageState = "LOADED") {
log.error("Eventing frame is loaded but heartbeat is behind, reload pushlet");
reloadPushlet = true;
log.info("heartbeat is behind..check if eventing is active");
var eventActive = isEventingActive();
if (eventActive) {
// NOTE this case was hit on CAISO
// Server had pushlet connection and able to
// write events
// Client had pushlet but was not processing
// events
log.error("Server reporting eventing as active but heartbeat is behind!!");
// TODO: ?? should we also check when (heartbeat == OK) that isEventingActive() returns true
// In my opinion this would detect that the JBoss server is responsive
// or not for NEW requests.. It doesn't mean the current pushlet is bad if it fails
// if JS pageState at head of page has not loaded then check if frame is in process of loading
else {
// check if eventing frame is being loaded but has
// NOT yet loaded JS for Eventing Frame's pageState variable
var readyState = eventingIFrame.document.readyState;
if (readyState == "interactive" || readyState == "loading ") {
// put TS to determine if frame loads JS from
// pushlet in some threshold
// if not mark page as dead
if (eventingIFrame.initLoadingTS == null) {
eventingIFrame.initLoadingTS = new Date();
} else {
var threshold = 30000; // threshold >
// monitor interval
var delta = (new Date()).getTime() - eventingIFrame.initLoadingTS.getTime();
if (delta > threshold) {
log.error("Reloading pushlet due to pageState NOT set for pushlet in time(ms): "
+ threshold);
reloadPushlet = true;
eventingIFrame.initLoadingTS = null;
if (reloadPushlet) {
log.info("Marking pushlet to be reloaded");
restartPushlet = true;
recyclePushlet = true;
} catch (e) {
restartPushlet = true;
// if pushlet is trying to be restarted due to recycle event then
// display appropriate messages
// and reconnect the pushlet
if (restartPushlet && recyclePushlet && eventingCurrentRetry == 0) {
var msg = getNLS('recycle.disconnect.start') + serverName + getNLS('recycle.disconnect.end');
log.info("restarting pushlet from monitor for first attempt...");
} else if (restartPushlet && failoverInitialized && !stopRetry) {
if (eventingCurrentRetry < eventingMaxRetry) {
var msg = getNLS('failover.disconnect.start') + serverName + getNLS('failover.disconnect.end');
// Do not show for the first attempt to reconnect
if (eventingCurrentRetry > 1) {
addMessage(msg, MSG_TYPE_ERROR, 'connectionFailure', 0, true);
addMessage(getNLS('failover.attempt') + (++eventingCurrentRetry) + '. . .', MSG_TYPE_WARNING,
'failoverAttempt', MSG_STD_TIMEOUT, true);
} else {
if (!disconnectMessageSent) {
disconnectMessageSent = true;
} else {
addEventingHistoryEntry(new Date(), eventingCurrentRetry, "-", "MaxRetryReached", "-");
sendODVMessage(getNLS('failover.reconnection.failure.odv'), true);
} catch (e) {
log.error('Failure at monitorEventing: ', e);
// if monitorEventing not running, start the process
try {
if (!(monitorEventingTimer)) {
monitorEventingTimer = setInterval(monitorEventing, EventingInterval);
} catch (e) {
log.error('Failure at monitorEveting - setTimer: ', e);
function sendODVMessage(message, closeWindow) {
if (closeWindow == null) {
closeWindow = false;
try {
// passMsg only exists under ODVWebUI application
if (window.passMsg) {
passMsg(message, closeWindow);
} catch (e) {
function checkWindowReferencesInterval() {
try {
// if popup window cancel timer, NOTE it is possible interval started first time
// before property was set by calling window...hence the second check
if (window.top.isUnmanagedPopup) {
var openWindowList = [];
// if top window.. check for any window references that have gone away
if (thisIsTheTopWindow) {
if (topWindow == null) {
log.error("isTopWindow but topWindow is null");
window.topWindow = window;
openWindowList = topWindow.openWindowList;
} else {
log.trace("NON topWindow");
try {
if (!topWindow) {
// if no top window..but opener knows about its top window then re-assign
var windowOpener = getWindowOpener(window);
if (windowOpener.isOpener && !windowOpener.window.closed && windowOpener.window.top.topWindow) {
log.debug("assigned topWindow from opener");
topWindow = windowOpener.window.top.topWindow;
// check to see if one of the registered windows in window list can be used to get topWindow
else {
var openWindowsRef = window.openWindowsRef;
if (openWindowsRef != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < openWindowsRef.length; i++) {
var win = openWindowsRef[i];
if (win != null && !win.closed && win.topWindow != null) {
log.info("assigned topWindow from another registered window");
topWindow = win.topWindow;
if (topWindow == null) {
// NOTE: if we are hitting this case ( fall back code) we may need to force this list to be
// up to date
// by either copying it each poll cycle (when top window is found) or whenever windows are
// added / closed
log.debug("unable to find TopWindow from local copy of open window list");
} catch (e) {
log.error("caught exception accessing opener.top to find top window");
// now if top window still isn't set then try to lookup top window and force window to be
// registered with the top window
if (topWindow == null) {
topWindow = findTopWindowByName();
if (topWindow != null && !topWindow.closed && topWindow != window.top) {
// if STILL NO top window defined...How did reference get lost??
if (topWindow == null) {
// add error message after N failures
if (checkWindowFailCnt >= checkWindowErrorMsgAfterCnt) {
var msg = getNLS('window.topwindow.reference.disconnected');
addMessage(msg, MSG_TYPE_ERROR, msg);
if (checkWindowFailCnt >= maxCheckWindowFails) {
log.error("No top window defined for child window..closing dead window!!!");
if (top.showErrorDisplay) {
top.showErrorDisplay('window.disconnected', 'window.disconnected.unloaded', window.top);
} else {
// close window;
} else {
log.info("No top window defined for child window count:" + checkWindowFailCnt
+ " !!..try again next interval");
} else {
if (checkWindowFailCnt > 0) {
log.info("window reconnected to top window");
checkWindowFailCnt = 0;
try {
log.trace("getting OpenWindow list from topWindow");
openWindowList = topWindow.openWindowList;
} catch (e) {
log.debug("Exception getting OpenWindow list from topWindow and using local copy");
var openWindowsRef = window.openWindowsRef;
if (openWindowsRef != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < window.openWindowsRef.length; i++) {
if (openWindowsRef[i] && openWindowsRef[i] != null && !openWindowsRef[i].closed) {
if (openWindowsRef[i] == window) {
try {
log.info("setting NEW top window...");
} catch (e) {
log.error('Error setting new top window.', e);
log.debug("assigning window list from ref copy");
openWindowList = openWindowsRef;
log.trace("check if window registered");
// make sure the window is registered
var found = false;
if (openWindowList == null) {
log.error("window not registered and topWindow not found");
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < openWindowList.length; i++) {
if (openWindowList[i] != null && openWindowList[i] == window) {
found = true;
log.trace("window found: " + found);
// if server is not found then try to re-register window... probably should
// refresh the display too
if (!found) {
if (topWindow == null) {
log.error("window not registered and topWindow not found");
} else {
log.info("re-registring display and refreshing content");
} catch (e) {
log.error("Error processing exception: ", e);
function findTopWindowByName() {
var topWin = null;
var name = getTopWindowName();
if (name != "") {
var closeWindow = true;
try {
log.trace("trying to find top window by name: " + name);
topWin = window.open('javascript:', name);
// first check if document is accessible (document.domain should match)
var URL = topWin.location.href;
var isCorrectURL = URL.indexOf('.do') > -1;
log.info("URL of top Window is: " + URL);
if (!isCorrectURL) {
closeWindow = true;
} else {
closeWindow = false;
} catch (e) {
log.error("failed to open top window");
if (closeWindow && topWin != null) {
try {
} catch (e) {
log.error('failed to close window: ' + name);
topWin = null;
return topWin;
function getTopWindowName() {
var windowName = "";
var uid = null;
if (parent.uid != null) {
uid = parent.uid;
if (uid != null) {
windowName = "TOPWINDOW_" + uid;
return windowName;
function restoreTopWindow(activeSession) {
log.info('Restoring top window.');
var topWin = findTopWindowByName();
if (topWin != null) {
log.info('Top window ' + topWin.name + ' restored.');
} else {
// if eventing is active, then this means we opened an empty window but there's still another window active,
// with an active session
if (activeSession) {
log.warning('The session is active but the top window could not be restored.');
} else {
log.error('Top window could not be found.');
document.getElementById('duplicateLogonContent').style.display = '';
document.getElementById('restoreWindowContent').style.display = 'none';
// Used by logger window to simulate a window reference being lost
function removeWindowFromList() {
var openWindowList = top.topWindow.openWindowList;
for (var i = 0; i < top.topWindow.openWindowList.length; i++) {
if (openWindowList[i] != null && openWindowList[i] == window) {
openWindowList[i] = null;
function reloadContentDisplay() {
log.info("reloading content frame");
var contentFrame = getContentFrame();
if (contentFrame != null && contentFrame.document != null) {
var contentDoc = contentFrame.document;
var pageId = contentDoc.getElementById(PAGE_ID_FIELD_NAME);
if (pageId != null && pageId.value != "" && contentFrame.nondeltaDisplayUpdate) {
contentFrame.nondeltaDisplayUpdate(contentFrame, pageId.value);
} else {
addMessage("Unable to reload content frame upon reconnecting display");
* Methods are only for testing purposes....
function removeFromParent() {
addMessage("test removeFromParent");
if (!thisIsTheTopWindow) {
if (topWindow != null) {
var openWindowList = topWindow.openWindowList;
for (var i = 1; i < openWindowList.length; i++) {
if (openWindowList[i] != null && openWindowList[i] == window) {
openWindowList[i] = null;
topWindow = null;
function checkChildWindows() {
addMessage("test checkChildWindows");
if (!thisIsTheTopWindow || topWindow == null) {
var openWindowList = topWindow.openWindowList;
for (var i = 1; i < openWindowList.length; i++) {
if (openWindowList[i] != null && !(openWindowList[i].closed)) {
openWindowList[i].addMessage("child window!!");
* Function used to update the menu content on all windows through a delta replacement and reload the content frame
function reloadDisplayOnAllWindows() {
log.info("replacing displays");
if (openWindowList != null) {
// loop thru all open windows
for (var i = 0; i < openWindowList.length; i++) {
try {
log.info("calling reload content display");
} catch (e) {
log.error('Failed to reload content display: ', e);
} else {
try {
log.info("reloading content, windowlist is null");
} catch (e) {
log.error('Failed to reload content display: ', e);
function updateConnectivityInfo(server, newConnections) {
if (window.ODV && window.ODV.isDashboard && window.ODV.isDashboard()) {
} else {
* Update the jboss connection info shown in the info box
function updateServerInfo(server) {
var infoBox = document.getElementById('debugInfo');
if (infoBox) {
var visibility = infoBox.style.visibility;
if (!visibility || visibility == 'visible') {
document.getElementById("serverProp").innerHTML = server;
* Update the connection status list with the new info from the pushlet (ConnectivityMonitor)
function updateConnectivityStatus(newConnections) {
// if there are any changes on the connections, perform the determined actions
if (connectionStatusChange) {
if (hasDisconnections == true) {
} else {
var windowList = getOpenWindows();
if (windowList != null) {
var popup = windowList[0].document.getElementById('conMonitor');
if (popup.style.visibility == '' || disconnectionWarning)
// go through all windows and hide/display the disconnection watermark
for (var i = 0; i < windowList.length; i++) {
var contentFrame = windowList[i].getContentDom();
var visibility = (disconnectionWarning == true) ? '' : 'none';
var waterMark = contentFrame.getElementById('disconWaterMark');
if (waterMark) {
waterMark.style.display = visibility;
var waterMarkImg = contentFrame.getElementById('disconWaterMarkImg');
if (waterMarkImg) {
waterMarkImg.style.display = visibility;
* Updates the connection list with the new info provided by the connectivity monitor task and determine if an action
* should occur (e.g. bring up the connection monitor, show disconnection watermark, etc.)
function defineConnectionStatus(newConnections) {
var newConLength = newConnections.length, conLength = connections.length;
connectionStatusChange = false;
hasDisconnections = false;
// check if the jboss connection is down and react accordingly
if (!isEventingConnected) {
// go through the new connection list and determine what has changed
for (var i = 0; i < newConLength; i++) {
var newConInfo = newConnections[i], foundEqual = false;
for (var j = 0; j < conLength; j++) {
var conInfo = connections[j];
if (newConInfo.name === conInfo.name && newConInfo.type === conInfo.type) {
foundEqual = true;
// if the state of a connection has changed, mark for update
if (newConInfo.status !== conInfo.status) {
connectionStatusChange = true;
// if the new status is disconnected, mark to show the popup and display disconnection warning
if (newConInfo.status === 'disconnected') {
disconnectionWarning = true;
hasDisconnections = disconnectionWarning;
if (newConInfo.status === 'disconnected') {
hasDisconnections = true;
// in case the connection is new, mark it for update and check if it requires a disconnection warning
if (!foundEqual) {
connectionStatusChange = true;
if (newConInfo.status === 'disconnected') {
disconnectionWarning = true;
if (!hasDisconnections) {
disconnectionWarning = hasDisconnections;
if (disconnectionWarning) {
top.openWindowList[0].document.getElementById('acknowledgeButton').disabled = false;
connections = newConnections;
* When the jboss server goes down, update the jboss connections to disconnected on the monitor popup
function updateJbossConnectionDetails() {
// go through the connection array and change the status of jboss connections
connectionStatusChange = false;
for (var i = 0; i < connections.length; i++) {
var conInfo = connections[i];
if (conInfo.name == getNLS('connectivity.name.server') && conInfo.status === 'connected') {
connectionStatusChange = true;
disconnectionWarning = true;
conInfo.status = 'disconnected';
hasDisconnections = true;
* This functions makes the disconnection watermark to all windows.
function acknowledgeDisconnection() {
// resets the disconnection warning that triggers the watermark
top.disconnectionWarning = false;
// go through all windows and hide the disconnection watermark
var windowList = top.openWindowList;
if (windowList != null) {
windowList[0].document.getElementById('acknowledgeButton').disabled = 'disabled';
for (var i = 0; i < windowList.length; i++) {
var contentFrame = windowList[i].getContentDom();
var waterMark = contentFrame.getElementById('disconWaterMark');
if (waterMark) {
waterMark.style.display = 'none';
var waterMarkImg = contentFrame.getElementById('disconWaterMarkImg');
if (waterMarkImg) {
waterMarkImg.style.display = 'none';
function setTopWindow() {
// if no top window was defined but opener knows about its top window then re-assign
var windowOpener = getWindowOpener(window);
if (windowOpener.isOpener && !windowOpener.window.closed && windowOpener.window.top.topWindow) {
log.debug("Setting top window");
window.top.topWindow = windowOpener.window.top.topWindow;
/* start block _extraContent_ */
/* end block */ |